Contact Us

Policy Changes & Queries

Need to make a change to your existing travel insurance policy?

Sign into your account to make the following changes to your policy 24/7:

Before travel has started you can:

  • Change an age / a name / an email address
  • Extend policy end date
  • Add / amend snow sports cover
  • Change your area of travel
  • Cancel your policy within the 14 day cooling off period – please sign into your account

After your travel has started you can: 

  • Extend the policy end date (maximum 366 days in total provided your policy was purchased in Australia)
  • Add / amend snow sports cover ( 2 day waiting period)

General Policy Queries

If you have any queries about our policies, for example, about the cover, our Frequently Asked Questions answers the vast majority of questions we get asked. If you cannot find the answer, then please email us at  and one of our team members will respond within 1 business day.

insure4travel is an online insurer and we communicate by email, this helps to provide a more efficient service and ensures a formal response.

To view our Product Disclosure Statement and policy wording, please click here

24/7 Medical Emergency Service

Global 24 Advisory & Assistance

Contact Details

Tel: +61 (0) 2 9312 5168

Please have the following information when calling the emergency service:

    • your travel insurance policy certificate number
    • dates of outward and inward travel
    • details of the problem including the name and address of patient and nature of illness/accident
    • name and telephone number of hospital and attending doctor
    • details of usual doctor / general practitioner


Claims Managers

How to make a travel insurance claim:

Any occurrence or loss, which may give rise to a claim, should be advised immediately to our appointed claims handlers, Corporate Services Network Pty Ltd (CSN).

The most efficient way to lodge your claim is online. Online lodgment also provides you with the ability to track the progress of your claim. We recommend you have your policy certificate number, travel itinerary, details of the incident, supporting documents (e.g invoices, receipts, incidents/loss reports etc) and your bank account details available when submitting your online claim.

You can submit your online claim by clicking here and following these steps;

1. Register with your email address

2. Once registered you will receive an email to guide you to set up your password

3. Once you have logged in, complete your claim details by answering all sections and submit your claim

4. Your claim will be assessed within 10 business days. We will let you know if further information/documentation is required

Alternatively, you can contact CSN during normal office hours 09:00 to 17:00 Monday – Friday Australian Eastern Standard Time on the details shown below. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, policy certificate number and a brief description as to the nature of the claim.

Tel: +61 (0) 2 8256 1770


Quick Quote





Destination & Type of Cover

Policy Type

Where are you travelling to?

Please select the region where you are travelling to: The countries covered under each region will appear when you select the region.

Travelling To

How many people should be covered?

Please select whether you are travelling as an individual, with your partner / friend (couple) ; as a family group where one of the children is under 18 years; as a group.


Maximum Trip Length

Travel Dates

I'd like my cover to start on

Please select the day that you commence your trip. You will be covered for claims that result in you having to cancel your trip before this date and therefore forfeit deposits paid - subject to the policy terms and conditions.

Cover Start Date

Cover Start Date

And it should end on

Please select the date that you plan to return back into Australia or if you are on a one way trip - the date that you will arrive in your final destination.

Cover End Date

Travellers planning to stay in the United States (not Canada) for 365 days or more: Following recent healthcare reforms in the United States we are unable to insure travellers who are planning to be in the United States (not Canada) for 365 days or more.

Cover End Date



In order to obtain the best value, you should include a least one adult in each policy. The maximum number of travellers we can insure under one quote/policy is 20. If you have more than 20 then you should obtain more than one quote but ensuring that there is an adult in each subsequent quote.

Please note that ages are at the date of obtaining the quote, not the date of travel.

Traveller's Age

We can insure travellers up to and including 90 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.


We can insure travellers up to and including {maxAge} years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Traveller's Age

We can insure travellers up to and including 90 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

How many people should be covered?

We can insure travellers up to and including 90 years at the date of purchase. Please note it is age at date of purchase rather than at date of travel.

Child 0-18

Adults (19-35)

Adults 36 to 50 years

Adults 51 to 65 years

Adults 66 to 70 years

Adults 71 to 75 years

Adults 76 to 80 years

Adults 81 to 85 years

Adults 86 to 90 years